Pic - is GREAT, lol....This girl is probably going to be me in like 10 minutes, falling asleep, with my laptop on my chest, lol....
I'm trying to decide if making reservations for restaurant week was budget savvy or retarded....
Okay, so of course you know the price point is fixed, because it's DC's restaurant week. And for all of those who don't know, this is cool because you can take advantage of restaurants you couldn't/wouldn't otherwise afford because the meals are prices below approx. $35.08 ($20.08 for lunch). So, I booked T and I for a Fondue place, thinking this is a budget's dream. An affordable meal at a place where I probably wouldn't go on the regular.
YAY Saving?!?!
Or....is it?
I mean, would I really be making these reservations, if it wasn't restaurant week?
Has the "man" gotten me with his ploy of "reduced" prices....
I feel like a sucker.
Nevertheless....I'm going after T and I leave church and then later Six Flags (season's pass - one visit price = a summer's worth of FUN) and eventually to take part in the last day of restaurant week - yep, they got me :(
In other news...I saw this GPS Garmin at Wal-Mart today for $169. I didn't buy it. I still haven't made up my mind....yet.
I made my hair appt for the Senegalese Twist I decided to get with my lack of car payment/extra income for the month. The hairdresser informed me it was going to be $220, no hair included. But I could buy hair there, 3 packs for something cheap (I can't remember, her accent was thick and I was at work struggling to listen). I think this is a deal....I'm not sure yet.
But, I don't have to do my hair for like two months, so I'm thinking, YES, off the top of my head, this is a deal.
I'm also dying my hair back to its natural dark black, so my braids look fresh and last longer. I'm dying it myself, so I'm saving there (I do it all of the time, kitchen beautician, lol). I only had the cost of the dye.
In other news, my credit score has gone up 30 points with Experian since I started this blog - CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!? I feel like it's "the secret," the power of positive thinking, mixed with a tad bit faith and some ACTION.
My budget - she's coming along....I think I've blown the entertainment budget by about...hmmm...$200.
Ho Hum.
September is my month ;)
I'll get it right then - that's all for now!
1 comment:
Yeah...they "got" me on restaurant week too. Except...is it really got if you get to enjoy a romantic night with just the two of you that you otherwise wouldn't do and it's filled with priceless moments that will last a lifetime? I say YESS to restaurant week, she's a STEAL! lol
And hair at the shop for braids is usually a deal...perhaps they mark it up a $1 but perhaps they get it cheap and still can sell it cheaper than the other beauty supply stores...I think it's a deal too, I always got my hair there when I wore braids unless it was some fabulous hair that they didn't have.
Ahh, busted entertainment budget...hooo hummm is right! September is your month! It's our month! We'll MEAN it and get it right! The power of positive thinking!
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