Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Hello blog world - its' been a long time and a LOT has changed.

Remember that happy interruption that I thought would occur, Oh, I don't know, NEXT YEAR??!??! Well, my sweetheart POPPED the question in front of all of my closest friends and family (and his closest friends and family) this past Saturday, August, 23, 2008!! Can you believe it?!?!

I'm so overwhelmed with happiness and love. He's literally made me the happiest woman in all of the earth.

And also the craziest woman b/c now I'm planning a wedding for 13 months from now (tentative date of Sept 26, 2009)

So EVERYTHING has changed - including my financial goals.

My fiance (how cool is that to write) and I are paying for majority of the wedding ourselves, so we're pushing the house to 2010 and focusing on the wedding for 2009. Our parents are helping, but approx. 65% of the cost is going to mostly fall on our shoulders.

We're planning a wedding of 250 people, outdoors on a lake, elegant brunch reception and a second reception for the "younger folks" ha ha ha ha.

So this blog will now focus on the new financial goals of my life. Planning this wedding for under $30,000 (I think we can do it for $25,000 or less!); a vigorous new budget for savings, sticking to the budget, and stripping on the weekends to make ends meet. My fiance also said he doesn't mind selling his body on 14th and K Street, Northwest DC, so I can have that chocolate fountain at the reception!!!!

I kid, I kid :)

So - the new goals are....

  1. save approx. $800/month (collectively)

  2. revive our home based business and collect MAJOR upfront money (which we will invest into our wedding)

  3. keep great records to reap our WONDERFUL tax benefits from our home based business.

  4. scout opportunities for extra windfall income

  5. set savings goals through smartypig and have them deducted from our checks.

  6. cut down on excessive spending

  7. maintain great credit

  8. if we do charge items, set aggressive goals to pay down within 1-3 months

I think we can do it and have something really great to be proud of in the end! I know God will bless our finances to do more than we ever could imagine. We're both smart, successful, young professionals and we're capable of living on a budget for 13 months to have a great wedding with little to no debt!

we can do it!!!!

Friday, August 22, 2008


How Cool is this!?!? - I encourage everyone to check it out - its an online program that allows you to set savings goals and it automatically ACH's it out of your acct. I definitely need something like this to get a jump start on my future planning. Hmm - perhaps I should tell the boo and friends they should get one too :)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Housing Update...

(above pictured) me and boo - except my baby is lighter and 6 inches taller. But I look JUST like this skinny, great haired chick, LOL.
So the boo and I go to look the "Model" house I was swooning over in the earlier posts - he was NOT feeling it. At all.

First of all, he kept talking about his precious deck and how he wanted to be able to grill and invite people over (he's such a man's man). Then he started in the price - how could we put down $350,000 on a house with no deck?!?

I was feeling him (which is why I wanted to look out in areas that were further out). So I said, well, didn't you only want to look in Alexandria, sweetie?

He responded with "NO! Let's try Woodbridge, Fairfax, Southern Maryland, etc." - I was EXCITED - now we can get some bang for our buck and give the traffic our best commuter faces!

It was a great "discussion" because we ironed a lot of things out. Mainly, that this is a huge investment for me and him and we're committing to it for 10 years. This means, kids will be born there (are we SERIOUSLY having this talk?!? WOW SCARY!!!) We mentioned public school systems and how we may have to send our kids to private schools, depending on how strong we felt the education was in the area. BEYOND deep - but so informative. Now we really have a clear view of what this is. It's not me finding a cute condo for myself - it's our first home...for our family. WHOA...forget I just typed all of that, it sounded entirely too grown up for me to write.

So now - plans have changed - we're looking more toward the end of 2009, single family home (instead of townhouse or townhouse styled condos), deck, yard, room to grow a family....WOW.

It's all so deep.

Knowing that I'm the nerd, I found these amazing places. In fact, one of the new communities is being built LITERALLY across the street from the Boo's basement apartment!

All in all, this is overwhelming, yet so interesting, informative, and we're learning so much about each other.

I couldn't think of a better person to learn all of the housing in and outs with :)

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Weekend 3:25am Credit Check, lol

Pic - is GREAT, lol....This girl is probably going to be me in like 10 minutes, falling asleep, with my laptop on my chest, lol....

I'm trying to decide if making reservations for restaurant week was budget savvy or retarded....

Okay, so of course you know the price point is fixed, because it's DC's restaurant week. And for all of those who don't know, this is cool because you can take advantage of restaurants you couldn't/wouldn't otherwise afford because the meals are prices below approx. $35.08 ($20.08 for lunch). So, I booked T and I for a Fondue place, thinking this is a budget's dream. An affordable meal at a place where I probably wouldn't go on the regular.

YAY Saving?!?! it?

I mean, would I really be making these reservations, if it wasn't restaurant week?

Has the "man" gotten me with his ploy of "reduced" prices....

I feel like a sucker.

Nevertheless....I'm going after T and I leave church and then later Six Flags (season's pass - one visit price = a summer's worth of FUN) and eventually to take part in the last day of restaurant week - yep, they got me :(

In other news...I saw this GPS Garmin at Wal-Mart today for $169. I didn't buy it. I still haven't made up my mind....yet.

I made my hair appt for the Senegalese Twist I decided to get with my lack of car payment/extra income for the month. The hairdresser informed me it was going to be $220, no hair included. But I could buy hair there, 3 packs for something cheap (I can't remember, her accent was thick and I was at work struggling to listen). I think this is a deal....I'm not sure yet.
But, I don't have to do my hair for like two months, so I'm thinking, YES, off the top of my head, this is a deal.

I'm also dying my hair back to its natural dark black, so my braids look fresh and last longer. I'm dying it myself, so I'm saving there (I do it all of the time, kitchen beautician, lol). I only had the cost of the dye.

In other news, my credit score has gone up 30 points with Experian since I started this blog - CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!? I feel like it's "the secret," the power of positive thinking, mixed with a tad bit faith and some ACTION.

My budget - she's coming along....I think I've blown the entertainment budget by about...hmmm...$200.

Ho Hum.

September is my month ;)

I'll get it right then - that's all for now!

Monday, August 11, 2008

This weekend's budget cruchin'

So this weekend passed and I didn't do anything too crazy to blow my budget.

Friday night, I asked the boo if he wanted to go out and he was like, this weekend's going to be crazy (Saturday night, Yacht Party for the SPBFF's boyfriend and Sunday Wedding for two College friends) so we stayed in, used our OnDemand and watched like 3 movies. We did order take-out, but that was MUCH cheaper than a night on the town in DC. Great job T for reigning us in for the evening :)

Saturday Morning we took the metro (cheaper than gas) into the city for the Stone Soul Picnic (FREE entertainment) with my baby sister, T's good friend from Boy Scouts and his Fiance (this is the couple for the the Jamaica trip I referenced in my earlier postings) . Instead of buying the marked up vendor food, we went to Chipotle for lunch/dinner.

I did by a pair of Franko Sarto wedges for the party but they were on sale for 59.95 at DSW. And I almost bought another pair of brownish shoes for this wedding I was going to, but opted not to when I remembered I had a pair of brown peep toe shoes with a gold buckle that would match my dress and purse that I was bringing. I was VERY proud of ME :) LOL.

I also saved by staying at my parents house (2/3rd of the way closer our venue) vs. getting a hotel in the the area. AND my two girlfriends, Ferg and Halle helped out with gas!

So - I was EXTRA on the budget grind and was MOST proud of myself.

That's about all for now ;)

Thursday, August 7, 2008


So - I finished two of my goals for 2008!

That's quick - this girl is good :)

I completed my August Budget. I guess this isn't completing the WHOLE goal, because I have to be diligent throughout the year and make sure I CONTINUE it monthly. But I did my monthly duty! I have approx. $322 left with no where to go. No assignment. I could just BLOW it all and stick it in my "BLOW" category. Or I can up my gas and my food, since I know I have to travel a lot for the rest of the month. I also haven't added in my commission check from Noni (my home based business....EVERYONE should have one - but that's another blog) because I don't know how much it will be until August 20th. So..I will probably have approximately $600 with no home. I think I will put 1/2 of it to increase my emergency fund and the other half to future planning (house down payment and other stuff).

Or should I get that GPS that I want and then put the rest in savings (more into emergency fund or future planning)?

AHHHH decisions....

So my budget is going to be a work in progress this month, I guess.

The other goal, I got all of my credit cards balances under 10% of their available limits!! In fact, all of my cards are paid off except one - and it's right at 6%. YAHOO! The dilemma of course is should I pay it off COMPLETELY?
I think I'm going to lean with NO. Since I'm trying to buy my house next year, I'm trying to prove to the credit lenders that I can be responsible with debt over time. My interest rate is really good on this card. Therefore, I will pay $10-15 over my MMP each month and just slowly pay down the balance. So my score will BOOST sky high. Zero balances on a lot of cards sometimes makes you look bad because it says, I have so much credit available, I could put myself in a situation that I cannot get out of.

Okay - I've talked myself into this scenario now...I think I can live with it, LOL.

Random tidbit:
I'm such a nerd...I got on my computer at 2am and checked my three credit scores through my monitoring service....UP 4 more points!! yesss....LOL. Yes - I'm a geek - I've already admitted it.

It's a GREAT day :)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I got my own money ;)

Okay, day..ummm 4, still no budget.

I know, I know, I suck. I'm going to do it today. Things aren't that hectic, so I should have time to squeeze it out between document review. I'll keep you posted ;)

I thought I'd jot down some of my KEYS TO SUCCESS...since I've been driving down the road to financial improvement (what a dork, I am...I know).

Its just a list of things that have helped me to majorly improve my personal finances. You ready? Here goes:

a)Establish an emergency fund, in a liquid account (something you can access freely) but not too liquid - like an ING account. You're emergency fund should be approximately $1000 to start off with. Then you can increase it to 3-6 months of your monthly expenses.

b) make a monthly CASH FLOW PLAN (or Monthly Grind as us cool folks like to call it) and plan out where EVERY penny goes - it should all be accounted for (ha ha...even though I haven't finished this for August)

c) pay all credit cards, loans, and any other thing reported to the Credit Bureau ON ifs, ands or buts about it.

d) have a little money each month that you BLOW...but plan for it.

e) budget in the things you like into your budget, otherwise you'll go crazy...

f) credit cards (this is if you're trying to improve your credit score) - there are things you can do it change it. One is keep your credit cards below 35% of the available credit limit. This will significantly boost your score, if you do it (TRUST ME); Remember to pay your cards on time; never close your oldest card, this shows you have a long history of credit. Sometimes TIME is the only thing that can improve your score; and lastly, have a healthy mix of revolving loans and credit cards. Remember - many inquiries over a short period of time can reduce your score. However, when shopping for cars, credit inquiries within 14 days for the same type of loan are only considered "1 hit" on your report and won't lower it too much.

It sounds so boring, doesn't it? But it's true...and the only way to improve your scores is to be patient, diligent, consistent and timely. Ignorance is not bliss when it comes to your credit score, it could possibly RUIN your chances and getting what you want out of life.

Personally, I've lived a life where my credit history was limited and life is NOT as good as it is when your history is longer and better :) I used to get that dreaded feeling when it came to credit. Life is much different on the other me :) There are perks to being part of this club and benefits that you want to take advantage of.

I've now come to the conclusion that I'd rather pay for things in's fine and dandy and I understand that's how the world works, but having little debt has made my soul soar! I know I differ with a lot of people when it comes to that, but when you finally get financial peace - you can dig what I'm saying.....Word..or whatever...

Goals for myself...

I was reading my home girl's blog and I had already started a draft of goals, but I figured I should just incorporate them into my "tips" blog.

I'll do them by year I guess....

By the end of 2008

  1. pay off all credit cards to 10% or less (all of my cards are at 0%-20%)

  2. save $5000

  3. contribute 10% to my 401(k) (I'm currently at 7%)

  4. pay $125/month for my Jamaica vacation

  5. update my monthly budget as needed


  1. complete FM class for my $12,000 housing benefit

  2. save $10,000 - total of $15,000

  3. pay off Jamaica vacation by April 16, 2006 - save additional $500 for spending


I guess that's all for now - of course I have to update this all...b/c I will probably be planning for the 'future,' whatever that entails (da dum da da...girls/guys lined up shortest to tallest, lol). But that's a WHOLE 'nother blog within itself. For now, I will focus on me and my immediate goals and you know my theory, if Mr. Prince Charming aka T decides to Happily Interrupt - I'll be ready....

In the meantime, I'm getting my house in order. What type of woman are you, if you don't have something to bring to the table? Just as I expect my boo to be financially equipped and savvy...I demand the very SAME for myself!

All the women, who independent - THROW YOUR HANDS UP AT ME!!! - Beyonce (and 'dem)

Monday, August 4, 2008

House update and Check Orders....

Its the DREADED Monday morning. UGH! I'm sitting at work, looking over this case log - which is semi-interesting...or NOT....

Rent's due tomorrow and I just realized I ran outta checks. I was at church, writing out my offering, when I realized, this is my blasted last check! I have my "check box" at home, so I thought SURELY, I have some there....but I was sorely disappointed when I went to the box and realized there was NOTHING there. So now I'm on my retarded credit union site, trying to order newer checks. I guess it's off to the bank today to get a cashier's check for my rent so I'm not late.

In other personal finance news - I went to the open house this Friday. The house was BEAUTIFUL...and they had these special rates - I almost bought the daggone house right then and there. Luckily my roommate was there to stop my impulse house buying, LOL. The neighborhood was SO cute and the house was so nice! And so affordable! I told the guy I would be SERIOUSLY looking in 8 months...and he seemed pleased with that. I also put my father down as my real estate agent to ensure Daddy-O would get his 3%.

I still have to do my budget. It needs a bit of tweaking....wish me luck!